experience stress
- 经受压力

If you see a car coming around the corner too fast , you might experience stress .
We can experience stress any time we feel we don 't have control .
Base length of pressure zone All humans experience stress .
Children begin to experience stress during prenatal development and during childbirth .
Mental and health experts believe personality is an important part in how we experience stress .
We all experience stress and stressful events .
All humans experience stress .
They experience stress , waste time , and pay a lot for gas , car maintenance , and parking .
We all experience stress in our daily lives from different sources : jobs , relationships , finances .
Despite common perception , children do experience stress which can invariably , if left untreated , caused depression .
Younger people often need to explore or take risks to achieve longer-range goals , and they experience stress and frustration in the meantime .
People who experience stress as a positive often have increased blood flow to the brain , muscles and limbs , similar to the effects of aerobic exercise .
Pregnant women who experience stress in the first few weeks of pregnancy appear to have an increased risk of miscarriage , according to findings from a small study of women in Guatemala .
Research conducted at the University of California , San Francisco , shows that the more difficulty that you have saying no , the more likely you are to experience stress , burnout , and even depression .
They were also less likely to feel a range of negative emotions , including sadness and physical pain , although they were more likely to experience stress and anger , and if they were women , to worry .
Research by the University of California in San Francisco found people with difficulty saying no are more likely to experience stress . While unpleasant , sometimes the healthiest thing you can do is bow out gracefully and avoid overextending yourself .
Such people often experience less stress than those in the ranks immediately below them .
One-third of employees experience chronic stress related to work , the survey found .
Learn To Be Positive : Research has shown that people who are more positive experience less stress .
Psychologists agree that when people experience less stress , they have some degree of over their environment .
Even those individuals with a low genetic tendency for depression can become depressed when they experience extreme stress .
Read below about several jobs that can enable you to experience low stress along with job satisfaction and career growth .
Employees in open offices may also experience higher stress levels and less concentration and motivation than those working in standard offices .
Also , many report that they experience undue stress at work , as competition increases and globalization shrinks the world .
According to media reports , children under the age of12 experience heavy stress after the512 Sichuan earthquake .
Based on experience , stress amplitude subject to the three-parameter Weibull distribution , the mean stress subject to the normal distribution .
Other studies show yawning increases after people experience heat stress or have a heat pack placed on their foreheads .
Conclusion The policemen of extrinsic locus of control experience more stress than those of intrinsic locus of control and the main effecting factors of stress are different .
As the piezoelectric stack actuator can withstand pressure only , a preload device is designed to ensure that the intelligent active member can experience tensile stress .
The report , which examines the influences of workplace happiness , found that older workers tend to experience more stress on the job than their younger colleagues .